Awards Mainz 2014

This year, BSAVA have kindly provided one prize per society, comprising a book (chosen by the award winner) from the BSAVA series.  The prize is intended to be given for an oral or porster presentation, and can be for a first, second or third prize.  For instance, where a society also has awards sponsored by other companies (see below), the BSAVA award is usually given for the second or third prize.

Awards Mainz


ESCG best oral abstract

Aurelien Grellet
Comparison of fecal S100A12 and fecal calprotectin concentrations as indicators of disease activity in dogs with chronic diarrhea
Royal Canin, Aimargues, France

ISCAID best oral abstract


Merial Award for the best oral presentation in infectious diseases

Simone Schuller
Immunohistochemical detection of IgG and IgM in lung tissue of dogs with leptospiral pulmonary haemorrhage syndrome (LPHS)
Bern University, Bern, Switzerland

ESVIM best oral abstract

Annelies Willems
Screening of apparently healthy elderly dogs
Ghent University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Merelbeke, Belgium

ESVNU best poster abstract

Kayoko Harada 
The evaluation of renal function after mitral valve repair in dogs
Tokyo, Japan

ESVC best oral abstract

Junseok Lee
Can the calcium uptake genes expressed in blood refl ect the myocardial dysfunction in chronic heart failure?
Nihon University, Fujisawa, Japan

ESVCP best oral abstract

Kris Gommeren
Inflammatory cytokines and c-reactive protein in canine systemic inflammatory response syndrome
Liège University, Liège, Belgium

ESVCN best oral abstract

Josefin Söder
Metabolic and hormonal response to a feed-challenge test in lean and overweight dogs
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

ESVONC best oral abstract

Franziska Hergt 
Applicability of the ‘Kiupel’ 2-tier grading system on cytology specimens in canine cutaneous mast cell tumours
Clinic for Small Animal Internal Medicine LMU, München, Germany